My six year entrepreneur anniversary

My six year entrepreneur anniversary

I get emails and messages from followers on the daily asking me for advice on anything from fitness, to what I cook for dinner, or how do I run a business with 3 kids, how to get motivated… and then things like where do I get my clothes, do my makeup, braid my girls’ hair, and pretty much all the things!  This all lead up to my entrepreneur anniversary.

Full Circle

I feel like it’s just become full circle after crossing over my six year entrepreneur anniversary and having the knowledge of not only how to grow my own business, but how to lead others to create a successful business of their own too. And it’s the questions/comments that I get like: I want to do what you do, but I don’t know if I would be any good at it. Or, I don’t have the confidence like you do, how can I change? I need help losing weight, but don’t know where to start. And life stuff… My marriage is on the rocks, how do I fix it? Or, I want to be at home with my kids, can you help me?

Change Can Be Scary

Here’s what I know. And yes sister, I KNOW because I was you. I was the one asking these questions years ago. I was the one wallowing and asking questions and feeling like I couldn’t change because of one thing and one thing only… I was looking for validation. Yep. Reality is, I could do anything I set my mind to doing. I know that, change is scary sometimes. But oh my gosh, it is so amazing when you take the leap and just make the dreams become reality. And here’s the thing. You can do anything you put your mind to doing too. You’re just looking for someone to tell you to go for it. So I don’t know if it’s really the advice my fellow mommas out there are looking for from me. I think it’s more of just hearing from someone who’s done the things… that you too can DREAM and DO. Yes, you’ve got permission. Go and fly.

Be Proud

Ladies, listen! I’m a PROUD working momma with three kids, an amazing husband, and I am on a simple MISSION everyday to give women the tools they need to change their lives. I am a full time entrepreneur who has been building a HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL business and top organization in my company for the last SIX YEARS? All from my kitchen table, phone, my gorgeous office my hubs built me or really anywhere I’ve got WiFi?
Do you know that I’m ALMOST {so CLOSE I can taste it!!} a self made million dollar earner and the reality of that is both mind blowing AND means that I’m HELPING a whole lot of people with my mission!! Do you know that this ALL STARTED because I saw an opportunity that started with an AT HOME FITNESS PROGRAM and a SHAKE- and took a chance on it thinking… that if I just started with the me first mindset, I could build something BIGGER THAN MY WILDEST DREAMS by sharing it with the world and asking other women to do it with me?

No Dream is too Big!

So when you’re asking me for permission to DREAM. Or asking me about anything under the sun in my life because I’m an open book! I’m here to tell you. NO DREAM IS TOO BIG and you can do this too.
I didn’t have a background in sales, network marketing, social media influencing, or anything with technology really. I remember having to ask my husband how to copy and paste for Pete’s sake! I just realized that one thing I was really good at- was DREAMING AND ENVISIONING A LIFE that I wanted to live AND LOVE for myself and MY FAMILY! And with that dream- I knew I could GET GOOD at developing a plan and executing it. Because y’all. MOMMAS GOT WORK ETHIC AND GRIT. So when I commit. I do it.
I built my business with a google search bar and a YouTube trainings marathon. I didn’t know how, but I knew WHY IT WOULD WORK.
And gosh. It sure does work. And anyone offering to fill your head with the lines ‘it won’t work’- or ‘it’s a scam’- or ‘why would you want to do that?’- or ‘it’s a waste of money, time, effort,’ or ANYTHING NEGATIVE. Well, I’m willing to bet they never got in the ring to fight. Take advice ONLY FROM THOSE who have done it and will lift you higher.

Mommin’ is Hard!

So, you’ll see me around here a lot more often. I’ve got lives to help change and this is my place to teach you a thing or two about owning a business while mommin’ hard, how to get some abs while enjoying that pizza and beer on Friday nights, my self care routines, what I make my family for dinners, raising that confidence boo, marriage advice, mommin’ in these seasons of toddler years all the way up to pre teen and so much more! Hope you’re here with me for the long haul.

And lastly, I’m gonna tell you something. NO ONE has the right to tell you you can’t do something you’ve dreamed of doing. I want you to dream, believe in yourself, grow, DO, and shine your light. Of course so much seems scary, you’ll get those sweaty palms, probably overthink a little, but my MISSION IS TO TEACH YOU TO GET OVER THAT CRAP AND JUST DO IT ALREADY!

Xo, V

Written by

Val Bozzo

I’m a proud work from home momma with three kids and married to the guy who swept me off my feet in the third grade. I am addicted to coffee and energize, and I will argue with anyone who tries to tell me that Amazon Prime, Target and Netflix aren’t a few of the greatest inventions of all time!