All posts written by Val Bozzo
Barre Blend with Elise Joan: Get Started Now

Barre Blend with Elise Joan: Get Started Now

BARRE BLEND IS ON IT’S WAY!!!! WHAT IF I TOLD YOU….. *that you could gain strength, tone…

Holiday Survival Kit: Surviving the Holidays for Busy Moms!

Holiday Survival Kit: Surviving the Holidays for Busy Moms!

Hey there sista!! I’m so pumped you have this pulled up because it means that you are…

6 Weeks of The Work! Are You Ready For It?!!

6 Weeks of The Work! Are You Ready For It?!!

Okay friends!! Oh My Gosh! It’s here! The Work is gonna be off the hook and I…

Mommas… It’s Okay!

Mommas… It’s Okay!

You know what? Today I felt it. Overwhelmed. You know when all that’s going through your head…

My six year entrepreneur anniversary

My six year entrepreneur anniversary

I get emails and messages from followers on the daily asking me for advice on anything from…

Val Bozzo

I’m a proud work from home momma with three kids and married to the guy who swept me off my feet in the third grade. I am addicted to coffee and energize, and I will argue with anyone who tries to tell me that Amazon Prime, Target and Netflix aren’t a few of the greatest inventions of all time!